1) Water damage:
Water damages is more common that one would think. Leaking facets and appliances or a drip in the roof can cause serious damage to your area rug if not looked after immediately. If a rug is stored in the basement for period on a concrete floor and there is water and dampness that will certainly cause the rug to rot as well. Flowerpots that are placed on a rug and can cause serious damage. Over a period of time, water could seep through your flowerpot on to your oriental rug and cause the rug to disintegrate. This is something that isn’t noticed until you move the plant. Always Inspect your rugs for water damage and if you suspect anything call an Oriental Carpet Cleaning Professional. Also, a floor protector for your plant is a good idea
2) Moths
If you see moths flying around your home on more than one occasion, than you probable have a serious insect problem. Larvae that live deep within the pile of your rug will do massive damage in a short period of time, eating away at the wool pile of your carpet. Moths love quiet and undisturbed areas, like under sofa, heavy furniture, basement, or storage unit. Within a week or two, you could see a hole in your rug that is about 3 inches square or multiple spots with damage. Vacuum and rotate your oriental rug on a regular basis. This will disturb any moth activity. If possible, flip the rug over and vacuum the back. Be sure to clean under sofas and heavy furniture as well. If you are planning to store your rugs, have them washed by a professional carpet cleaner and properly wrapped. Store your rugs in a cool dry place like an unused bedroom.
3) Pets
We all love our pets, however, like children we must train and manage their activities. Left unchecked, pets can do serious damage to your area rugs. Most common is pet stains. If your pet has repeatedly urinated in the same spot, on your Persian or oriental rug, over a long period of time, then the rug is most probably done. If possible, keep your pets away from your rugs. Should your pet have an accident on your oriental rug, get at it right away. Grab some paper towels and lukewarm water and blot the area repeatedly until most or all the urine is out. Call a professional carpet cleaner and have your rug washed. Let your carpet cleaner know about the stain. The right carpet cleaning professional should be able remove the stain if it is recent and hasn’t embedded itself into the rug. Do the same if your pet throws up on your rug, stomach content from dogs and cats are so acidic that it will cause discoloration in your rug. Chewing on a rug is also a problem. Dogs, especially puppies tend to chew on wool rugs, ripping the corners and edges off. This creates serious damage and costly repairs. Keep you puppies of your rugs and get them a chew toy. And finally, if you have a helper monkey, be sure he is wearing a diaper.
4) Direct sunlight:
Pulled the shades down during peak sunlight hours. Prolonged direct sunlight will cause your oriental rug to fade. Faded rugs cannot be restored. Unexposed areas like under a sofa or table will not be affect as much or at all. Therefore, you will have a two tone, unattractive rug that is ecstatically undesirable and less valuable.
5) Dirt
Abrasive dirt particles are the true enemy of oriental rugs. Dirt and grime get imbedded deep within the fibers of your rugs and cause the rug to wear more rapidly. When you walk over a dirty rug, the friction caused by the weight of the individual causes the fibers to break and the pile to wear down. Have your rugs washed and rotated at least once every 2 years. Regular washing will extend the life of your rugs by decades. It is also important to vacuum your rug frequently.
Water damages is more common that one would think. Leaking facets and appliances or a drip in the roof can cause serious damage to your area rug if not looked after immediately. If a rug is stored in the basement for period on a concrete floor and there is water and dampness that will certainly cause the rug to rot as well. Flowerpots that are placed on a rug and can cause serious damage. Over a period of time, water could seep through your flowerpot on to your oriental rug and cause the rug to disintegrate. This is something that isn’t noticed until you move the plant. Always Inspect your rugs for water damage and if you suspect anything call an Oriental Carpet Cleaning Professional. Also, a floor protector for your plant is a good idea
2) Moths
If you see moths flying around your home on more than one occasion, than you probable have a serious insect problem. Larvae that live deep within the pile of your rug will do massive damage in a short period of time, eating away at the wool pile of your carpet. Moths love quiet and undisturbed areas, like under sofa, heavy furniture, basement, or storage unit. Within a week or two, you could see a hole in your rug that is about 3 inches square or multiple spots with damage. Vacuum and rotate your oriental rug on a regular basis. This will disturb any moth activity. If possible, flip the rug over and vacuum the back. Be sure to clean under sofas and heavy furniture as well. If you are planning to store your rugs, have them washed by a professional carpet cleaner and properly wrapped. Store your rugs in a cool dry place like an unused bedroom.
3) Pets
We all love our pets, however, like children we must train and manage their activities. Left unchecked, pets can do serious damage to your area rugs. Most common is pet stains. If your pet has repeatedly urinated in the same spot, on your Persian or oriental rug, over a long period of time, then the rug is most probably done. If possible, keep your pets away from your rugs. Should your pet have an accident on your oriental rug, get at it right away. Grab some paper towels and lukewarm water and blot the area repeatedly until most or all the urine is out. Call a professional carpet cleaner and have your rug washed. Let your carpet cleaner know about the stain. The right carpet cleaning professional should be able remove the stain if it is recent and hasn’t embedded itself into the rug. Do the same if your pet throws up on your rug, stomach content from dogs and cats are so acidic that it will cause discoloration in your rug. Chewing on a rug is also a problem. Dogs, especially puppies tend to chew on wool rugs, ripping the corners and edges off. This creates serious damage and costly repairs. Keep you puppies of your rugs and get them a chew toy. And finally, if you have a helper monkey, be sure he is wearing a diaper.
4) Direct sunlight:
Pulled the shades down during peak sunlight hours. Prolonged direct sunlight will cause your oriental rug to fade. Faded rugs cannot be restored. Unexposed areas like under a sofa or table will not be affect as much or at all. Therefore, you will have a two tone, unattractive rug that is ecstatically undesirable and less valuable.
5) Dirt
Abrasive dirt particles are the true enemy of oriental rugs. Dirt and grime get imbedded deep within the fibers of your rugs and cause the rug to wear more rapidly. When you walk over a dirty rug, the friction caused by the weight of the individual causes the fibers to break and the pile to wear down. Have your rugs washed and rotated at least once every 2 years. Regular washing will extend the life of your rugs by decades. It is also important to vacuum your rug frequently.